Acronis True Image Home Backup Archive File Is Corrupted


  1. Acronis Backup Software
  2. Acronis True Image Home Backup Archive File Is Corrupted Sd Card
  3. Acronis True Image Home Backup Archive File Is Corrupted Hard Drive
  4. Acronis True Image Cloud Backup
  5. Acronis True Image Home Backup Archive File Is Corrupted File


When a backup ends with an error status (backup is not created), Acronis True Image displays a short error message in the product interface, and writes the details in a text log file (“full log”).

This is a split backup, and the last volume of it is missing; The backup that you are trying to delete is corrupted. Use the Remove from the list option to remove the backup from Acronis True Image Home 2012: Delete the backup manually from the network location if necessary. More information. See also Acronis True Image Home 2012. Acronis True Image Home 2010 provides home users reliable and timeless backup and recovery of their operating system, applications, settings and personal files. Friendly, Windows®-style User Interface.From an intuitive graphical interface, you can easily define where, locally or online, and how often to backup a PC based on your needs.

To see the short error message do either of the following:

  • Click on the red cross or the pause icon || in the center of backup task screen.
  • Click on the Activities tab of the failing backup task

If the short error message was not enough to find a solution and resolve the issue, search for key words «error» and «failed» in the full log which can be accessed by any of the listed methods:

  • Locate the newest file at C:ProgramDataAcronisTrueImageHomeLogsti_demon and open it in Notepad
  • If you have configured email notifications, the full log will be attached or included in the body of the email
  • Download and launch Log Viewer tool (does not require installation), from When launched, it automatically loads and displays a formatted log of the latest backup attempt, where you can find the error message and look it up here.

Learn more about the full log format at

Before you begin

If you do not want to troubleshoot, but are OK with repeating the procedure of configuring the backup task and running a full backup again, you can try a clean reinstall and start over with a new backup task. Create a new empty folder in the backup destination for storing the backups (local backup) or create a new backup task (backup to Cloud). Delete the old backup to make room for the new backup. While that does not help always, it still can save you time and efforts on troubleshooting a number of backup failures, especially undocumented.

Common backup errors, causes and solutions

Backup error message
For causes and solutions please see the entire cells to the right.

Possible causes

Solutions: apply solutions in the order they are listed. Check if the issue is resolved after each.

  • The device, where backups are physically stored, is powered off, not connected, hung up or does not provide access to the directory with backups due to any other reason
  • Multiple drives are used either for storing backups, or as backup source, within a single backup task. Acronis True Image does not support rotating drives
  • The folder where backups are stored changed its name, was moved, deleted or user permissions for accessing it changed
  • A parent directory in the folder hierarchy changed its name, was moved, deleted or user permissions for accessing it changed
  • Backups to local network/NAS:
    • Location for storing backups was defined using the IP-address (e.g. “”, it changed after updating the software/firmware of the NAS
    • Location for storing backups was defined using the name of the NAS/network device (e.g. “MyCloudbackups”, and an issue on the router, NAS or the PC/Mac caused the network name to work anymore (e.g. you can access files and folders on your NAS by IP, but not by name)
  • .TIB files were renamed, moved or deleted outside of Acronis True Image interface
  • Outdated names, paths or access details in the cache of Acronis True Image
  • .TIB files were renamed, copied, moved or deleted outside of Acronis True Image program’s user interface: have you cleared up disk space by deleting .TIBs in Windows Explorer? Now the old paths to .TIBs, remembered by the program previously, point nowhere and the software is unable to access the files required to continue a backup set.
  • If backup source or destination drives are swapping/rotating external USB disks: create one backup task for each source and each external drive or switch to Acronis Backup 12.5 (PC, Mac)
  • Bitlocker-encrypted disks: unlock the disk where backups are stored, see for details
  • Edit backup task and reselect backup source and destination
  • Follow
  • NAS: reboot the NAS
  • Repair program settings as per
  • Clean reinstall Acronis True Image:

Ensure that the folder is accessible

The specified file does not exist

Cannot access the path

Failed to open the backup location

Cannot find version

This is not the last volume of the backup archive

The drive is not ready

  • The disk device is not responding properly to read/write requests, which could be a temporary glitch or a permanent failure of the device - try copying a file from the selected backup source to the backup destination using Windows Explorer to check that factor
  • Corrupted file system or disk partition table
  • Acronis drivers for accessing the disks are not functioning properly
  • Reconnect external disk:
    • Safe eject the drive
    • If it has an external power source – disconnect it, wait 10 seconds, and re-connect it
    • Re-connect the disk to a different port on the computer
    • NAS devices: reboot the NAS
  • Reboot the computer.
  • If the check of copying file through Windows Explorer failed (see the “Possible causes” part to the left)
  • Repair software installation: , then edit backup task and re-select backup source and destination
  • Change the caching policy for the disk to “Optimize for quick removal” as per

The device is not ready

The trial version of Acronis True Image has expired

  • Trial mode was already used once. The trial period is restricted to 30 days and to be only one-time per major version of Acronis True Image in the given operating system. Learn more on trial mode at
  • Subscription license expired and was not renewed, software moved into trial mode and 30 days trial mode also ended
  • New or extended license required interaction under for proper license activation and you may have missed the corresponding notification. As a result, the new/extended license was not activated and the software moved into trial mode.
  • Renewed subscription license was activated to a different email address, leaving the original account without a license. Software entered trial mode, which then ended.
  • The regular license check failed and the software transitioned into trial mode, which then ended
  • Renewed subscription license or a new perpetual license could not be activated due to any other reason, the software entered trial mode, which then ended
  • System date and time changed as a result of system recovery, clone or any other way
  • Issue with the license cache on the current computer
  • Check the major version of installed Acronis software (e.g. 2014, 2018), remember if you have trialed it before on the current operating system
  • If you have a non-trial license: activate it as per
  • Subscription users: make that the new license is registered to the same Acronis account. Move the license between different email addresses as per
  • Make sure the system date and time are not in the future
  • Perform a clean reinstallation

Disk is full

  • Running out of space on the disk where backups are stored:
    • Automatic backup cleanup does not apply to backup versions that are not visible in Acronis True Image interface. As a quick check, open “Recovery” dialog and expand the list of available dates – recovery points, compare to .TIB files
    • Automatic cleanup rules are misconfigured
    • Earlier backup versions were not deleted due to any reason
    • The disk where backups are stored, became filled with not Acronis files
  • NAS: the limit (quota) for the NAS user account, indicated during backup setup, has been reached. This quota/limitation is configured in NAS settings outside of Acronis software. Acronis has no influence on it. The NAS user account is completely unrelated to Acronis account and is set exclusively through the NAS management panel
  • External drive, where backups are saved, has quotas enabled for different Windows users. To check if that is the case, right-click the disk in Windows Explorer, click on the Quota tab and click “Show Quota settings”
  • Not enough free disk space on the source disk for Microsoft VSS snapshot
  • Too high disk activity on the source disk causes Microsoft VSS snapshot to cancel and delete
  • Check that other software is not filling the disk space where you save the backups. Move or delete the files from other software to a different disk/location
  • If there are .TIBs that are not registered in Acronis True Image (missing in the list of recovery date/time), turn off self-defence feature as explained at and delete these orphaned .TIBs from the destination disk. If you need those backups – add them to the list as per and find what other backups/backup versions to delete to free up disk space
  • Correct the rules for automatic backup deletion and free up disk space:
    • Enter backup settings – tab “Backup scheme” and adjust cleanup settings: reduce the number of backup chains to keep (a backup chain is a full backup and all the incrementals/differentials before the next full backup). Earlier backups are deleted by chains. Deletion of any backup version is postponed until all the chain is subject to deletion.
    • Free up disk space by deleting backups: click the arrow key next to backup name in Acronis True Image to open the menu, choose “Delete” – “Delete entirely” or “Cleanup versions”
  • Close all other programs when running the backup, especially antivirus, security and software that could be intensively reading or writing data to disk: data synchronization, copying, backup, cataloging, search and indexing
  • Run the free Acronis tool for troubleshooting Microsoft VSS issues: Acronis VSS Doctor.

Acronis Cloud is full

  • Backup versions occupy too much disk space in the Cloud
  • Reduce the number of backup versions to keep in the backup settings, delete earlier versions
    • Open backup settings – “Options” - tab “Advanced” – “Acronis Cloud cleanup”, reduce the number of versions to keep, and the amount of time the versions are stored in the Cloud
    • Click “Account” on the left action bar – click “Browse my data”, mouse over the backup and click the gear icon that will appear, to access the backup cleanup and delete menu options
  • Download some of your backups from Cloud locally, then delete those backups from Cloud:
    • Click “Backup” on the left action bar in Acronis True Image, click the backup, then click Recovery at the top of the screen, follow the offered steps to download the files,
    • Click the small arrow next to the backup name in backups list, select Delete – click Yes.
  • If you need all of the backups, including all accumulated backup versions, and room for new backups – buy more storage space:
    • Click “Account” on the left action bar
    • Click “Upgrade” button
    • Select the appropriate new storage quota and proceed with the purchase wizard. Learn more at

Check your Internet connection

  • PC/Mac, where Acronis True Image is installed, does not have internet connection
  • Connection to Acronis Cloud is blocked by firewall, antivirus or other security software on PC/Mac
  • Connection to Acronis Cloud is blocked in the system file “hosts”
  • Access through the required network ports is not allowed in firewall, antivirus or other security software on PC/Mac, on the router or at Internet Service Provider (ISP) level
  • Follow to troubleshoot and resolve the issue

Nothing to back up

  • Disk with the data, selected for backup, is not connected, turned off or is not accessible for any other reason
  • Unique identification codes of disk, partition, selected for backup (disk's and partition’s properties that exist outside of Acronis), changed as a result of disk format, firmware update, partition table modification or due to any other factors. As a result, old identification codes, stored in the backup task configuration became outdated
  • If the backup source is a network drive/NAS – the share may have been disabled, changed its name, access path or was deleted
  • Start creating a new backup task - if the product does not «see» any disks at all, it means Acronis drivers did not load correctly. This might happen in scenarios of multiple Acronis products installation, re-installation and uninstallation, because the core Acronis drivers are shared among products.
  • Edit backup task, click on the backup source on the left side of the window and re-select what to back up.
  • Delete the backup task that fails and create a new one
  • Uninstall Acronis product, reboot the computer and install it again
  • If multiple Acronis products are installed: uninstall all of them, run the Cleanup tool, reboot the computer and install Acronis True Image anew.

No current disk

No current partition

Please close the application that may currently use the file

  • A third party application from the same or different PC/Mac may be working with the file in exclusive access mode, restricting access to the file from Acronis and all other software
  • NAS: application running on the NAS itself may be working with the file in exclusive access mode, restricting access to the file from Acronis and all other software
  • Close all third-party software that may be hold open the file/folder indicated in the error message. If a NAS is involved and there are other machines that have access to the NAS, close such programs on those computers too
  • Close all other software before starting the backup, including data synchronization, copying, backup, cataloging, search and indexing
  • Disable antivirus and other security software (anti-malware etc.)
  • Reboot the PC/Mac and the NAS
  • If a NAS is involved in the backup, disconnect all other computers from the NAS, leaving the machine with Acronis True Image the only PC/Mac connected to the NAS, in order to understand what is locking the file/folder and prevents Acronis from accessing it

… may be blocked by another application

  • NAS is turned off, disconnected or stopped serving file shares
  • Issue with the DNS service on the router
  • DNS name or IP-address of the NAS has changed
  • Router stopped working properly, causing issues with local network
  • Backup source, destination or both computers are configured to turn off their network adapters to save power
  • Verify that the NAS is turned on and is accessible through Windows Explorer: try copying a file from backup source to the backup destination using Windows Explorer.
  • Follow instructions from the “Resolution” section of
  • Reboot the router, NAS and the PC/Mac
  • Install all available Windows Updates
  • Enter the network adapter settings on both source and destination computers and uncheck the option to save power by turning off network adapter
  • Update the software/firmware on the NAS and router

Access denied

  • The SYSTEM Windows account, the current Windows user account or the specified NAS account lack the necessary permissions for accessing backup source or destination locations.
  • Backup source or destination contains NTFS reparse points. Backup is performed in file/folder mode or is saved to Acronis Cloud.
  • A particular file or folder in the backup source is corrupted and cannot be accessed and opened by any software, not only Acronis
  • Issue with the file system
  • Grant the SYSTEM Windows account, the current Windows user account (local backups) or NAS account (if the error message refers to a file/folder on a NAS) full control rights over the file/folder indicated in the error message
  • Acronis True Image 2018 and earlier versions: see
  • Reboot PC/Mac and NAS (if used) to lift any locks that other applications may have put
  • Right-click the disk with backup source, select Properties – Tools – Check, enable the option to automatically correct the found errors (if this option is present) and run the check/scan.
  • If the error message references a NAS, run the check using NAS control panel.
  • Find which folder or folder exactly cannot be accessed. If the path to it is not displayed in the product’s GUI, look into the full log using Log Viewer and find what file/folder cannot be accessed. Try opening or copying the file/folder in question. If the operation fails – attempt deleting it. If the deletion fails, the file/folder must be corrupted: try deleting it using methods described here.

Access to the file is denied

Failed to enumerate directory


The media is write protected

The file is read-only

Error occurred while reading the file

Cannot access backup file. Please ensure that you entered the correct credentials for the network share

Data error (cyclic redundancy check)

  • Bad blocks or other errors on the source disk
  • Any other issue with the hardware
  • Damaged file system
  • Right-click the disk with backup source, select Properties – Tools – Check, enable the option to automatically correct the found errors (if this option is present) and run the check/scan.
  • Check the disks’ health using additional diagnostic tools. Faulty disks need to be replaced with new to avoid data loss:
    • Free CrystalDiskInfo instantly reads the disk health status as reported by the disk itself and displays it as Good, Caution or Bad. It is the quickest way to identify a disk hardware failure.
    • Dedicated diagnostic utilities from the disk manufacturers take the longest time to complete the checks, but provide the most accurate methods of checking whether the disk is good or needs replacement:
      • Western Digital drives: Data Lifeguard Diagnostic for Windows
      • Seagate disks: SeaTools for Windows
      • HGST disks: HGST Windows Drive Fitness Test (WinDFT)
      • Intel SSDs: Intel Solid State Drive Toolbox
      • Samsung drives: Samsung Magician
      • ADATA drives: ADATA SSD ToolBox
      • Kingston SSDs: Kingston SSD Toolbox, Kingston SSD Manager
      • Transcend SSDs: Transcend SSD Scope
      • Silicon Power disks: SP ToolBox
      • Toshiba disks: Toshiba PC Diagnostic Tool Utility

CRC error

I/O error

Failed to read the snapshot

The quotas are violated

  • NAS: the limit (quota) for the NAS user account, indicated during backup setup, has been reached. This quota/limitation is configured in NAS settings outside of Acronis software. Acronis has no influence on it. The NAS user account is completely unrelated to Acronis account and is set exclusively through the NAS management panel
  • External drive, where backups are saved, has quotas enabled for different Windows users
  • Enter NAS management panel and increase quota for the NAS account, that was used in backup configuration
  • Right-click the disk, where backups are saved, in Windows Explorer, and if there is Quota tab, click on it and click “Show Quota settings”. Increase the quota for the SYSTEM account and the current Windows user account.

Failed to connect to …

  • Connection to Acronis servers is interrupted or completely blocked by a firewall, hosts file settings or a third-party software
  • The software was unable to update the certificate file that is used as a key in establishing secure connection to Acronis servers due to any reason
  • Issue with a particular backup that was damaged and needs to be recreated
  • Follow instructions at to refresh the cache folder “OnlineBackup”, and fix connection issues to Acronis servers
  • Create a new backup task for the same backup source and run it. If it succeeds, or if you need space for new backup, delete the original backup

SSL connection has failed

The server rejected the renewed certificate

The remote server returned error

Failed to lock the file

Read error or data content is corrupted

  • Local backups: possible issue with the connection to the backup storage device or an issue with the storage device itself
  • Local backups: backup archive file was created incorrectly needs to be recreated
  • Local and Cloud backups: the main body part of the backup could have been written incorrectly from the beginning, or there was an unsuccessful attempt to update the backup afterwards. The backup is damaged at present and is not readable. Such backup is also called 'corrupted'
  • Follow instructions from

Error while checking the metadata integrity of points in time (PITs) in the archive

Failed to open data stream

Invalid internal API usage. Either the stream is corrupted or the archive options are incorrect.

Read error or metadata content is corrupted

  • Backup location is unavailable
  • Backup’s metadata, used in Nonstop backup and in backup to Cloud, is not readable or is damaged
  • Follow instructions at
  • Delete the backup and re-define backup task:
    • Backup to Cloud: use a different name for the backup
    • Nonstop backup: use a new empty folder as destination for backup


You have entered an incorrect email or password

  • Wrong email or password for Acronis account
  • Have you changed your Acronis account password?
  • Acronis account email or password were changed, but not updated in the program
  • Verify that you are using correct Acronis account’s email and password
  • Click on the Account tab in the program
  • Click on your account email, select Sign out. Then sign in back using the current credentials. If login fails, verify them by signing with them into
  • Follow

Internal error in library

  • Incomplete installation
  • Software files’ were altered by other programs
  • Antivirus or other security software blocks Acronis
  • Issue with one of Windows OS components, used by Acronis True Image: runtime libraries, VSS or others
  • An application crash event occurred: a part of Acronis software unexpectedly terminated and unloaded from memory for some reason
  • An issue with handling a particular backup source or target:
    • the storage device itself
    • its partition table
    • file system
    • folders and files names
  • Turn off the antivirus and other security software
  • Reboot the computer
  • Update the software to the latest version
  • Run repair installation
  • Install all available updates for Windows operating system
  • Run Acronis CleanUp tool, reboot the computer, download and install the latest version of Acronis True Image from
  • Check if the issue is connected to the selected backup source or destination: create a new empty folder as backup destination, pick a small file or folder as backup source, run the backup. If it succeeds, the original backup source or destination may be partially or fully inaccessible or damaged/corrupted and need to be repaired:
    • Right-click the disk with backup source, select Properties – Tools – Check, enable the option to automatically correct the found errors (if this option is present) and run the check/scan.
    • If the error message references a NAS, run the check using NAS control panel.

The activity has failed due to a restart of the service

  • Owners of one-time purchase licenses: perpetual license was not activated
  • Subscription license owners: subscription has expired and requires renewal
  • Subscription license owners: you may be asked whether you want to add more Cloud storage space or extend the duration of the subscription with the current Cloud storage quota
  • If you used different email addresses in Acronis program (check Account tab) and when purchasing new or renewing existing license (check emails from Acronis and online stores), please move the new license to the account that is displayed under Account tab. For that, visit your Acronis account and access the move license feature from the three dots menu under the license. Learn more at
  • One-time purchase (perpetual) licenses: click on the Account tab in the program, click “Enter serial number” or “Change serial number”, input your new key.
  • Subscription license owners: check your email, visit your Acronis account to see if any action is required from you.

Unable to create volume snapshot

  • Issue with Microsoft Windows’ Volume Shadow Copy (VSS) service. It is used by backup software to keep the data in a consistent state in the backup
  • Issue with VSS infrastructure, including VSS readers, writers, providers of third-party applications, installed on the computer
  • No free space on the source disk
  • Too high disk activity on the source disk
  • Permissions issue with system partitions, files, folders or in the system registry
  • Reboot the computer
  • Run Acronis VSS diagnostic tool, act depending on the found issues with VSS:
  • Install all available updates for Windows
  • Close all other applications before starting the backup
  • For cases when Windows Application event log also contains an error from source 'CAPI2' and Event ID 513: follow instructions here.
  • For disk/partition backups of a non-system drive and for file/folder backups: enter backup options, click on the Advanced tab – Performance. Set “Snapshot for backup” to “Acronis snapshot”, click OK to save changes

Please check the NAS network preferences, and then reopen the app

  • NAS blocks connection requests from Acronis True Image
  • Open ports TCP 58081 and 58082 in NAS Firewall settings. See for details

FTP connection has failed

  • Incorrect credentials for accessing the FTP server
  • Incorrect FTP server address or path on the FTP server used
  • The folder on the FTP server was deleted, renamed or moved
  • Neither of the following network protocols are supported by Acronis True Image:
    • FTPS (FTP with SSL/TLS)
    • SFTP (FTP over SSH)
  • Verify that FTP server is accessible by browsing it in Windows Explorer, a web browser or a FTP client software
  • Edit backup settings, verify that the specified credentials for FTP connection are correct
  • Edit backup settings, verify that the specified FTP address and path to the folder on the FTP server are correct
  • Disable antivirus and other security software before starting the backup
  • Turn off FTPS and SFTP in the FTP server settings

Error occurred while backing up

  • A generic error message is shown. Error’s details are not displayed in the user interface, but are recorded in the detailed log file.
  • Use Log Viewer to see the details of the failure:
  • Open the latest modified file in the folder C:ProgramDataAcronisTrueImageHomeLogsti_demon in Notepad to find the detailed error message, then look it up in the present table.

Backup failed

Operation failed

Read error

Write error

Error occurred while writing the file



Comments: 6

Hello ATI2018 Forum,

Trying to do a partition (win10 C) backup to my Synology NAS as a scheduled backup. If I run it manually it works fine. Verification of the backup also works fine. I do scheduled validation once per month and am trying to do scheduled backups once per week.

I have run a 'clean' disk check on the drive. Win10 nor does WD utilities see any errors on the disk.

All that said, why do I get failures?

Acronis Backup Software

2020-11-29T18:30:01:593-05:00 12304 I00640000: Backup reserve copy attributes: format tib; need_reserve_backup_copy false;
2020-11-29T18:30:01:594-05:00 12304 I00640002: Operation Golfer1 started by schedule.
2020-11-29T18:30:04:669-05:00 12304 I00640000: Backup reserve copy attributes: format tib; need_reserve_backup_copy false;
2020-11-29T18:30:04:674-05:00 12304 I013C0000: Operation: Backup
2020-11-29T18:30:04:676-05:00 12304 I0064000B: Priority changed to Low.
2020-11-29T18:31:06:220-05:00 12304 I000B03F0: Create Backup Archive From: Disk 1 To file: '192.168.1.XBackup{subfolder name]<filename>1.tib' Compression: {some text removed}
2020-11-29T18:31:06:244-05:00 12304 E00070020: Error 0x70020: The backup is corrupted, but you can still try to recover data from it.
| trace level: error
| line: 0x33004b92f00b7763
| file: c:bs_hudsonworkspace723coreresizerbackupimglist_persist.cpp:282
| function: resizer::ImageListReader::LoadImageList
| line: 0x33004b92f00b7763, c:bs_hudsonworkspace723coreresizerbackupimglist_persist.cpp:282, resizer::ImageListReader::LoadImageList
| $module: ti_demon_vs_15470
2020-11-29T18:31:06:469-05:00 12304 E013C0005: Error 0x13c0005: Operation has completed with errors.
| trace level: error
| line: 0x9f2c53c72e8bce5f
| file: c:bs_hudsonworkspace723productsimagerdemonmain.cpp:617
| function: main
| line: 0x9f2c53c72e8bce5f, c:bs_hudsonworkspace723productsimagerdemonmain.cpp:617, main
| $module: ti_demon_vs_15470

Comments: 22989

There shouldn't really be any difference in backup operation between running the same backup task manually or letting it run by schedule. The only obvious difference is that the manual task is running under your own user account profile, whereas the scheduled task is running under the account that was used when ATI was installed - which should be an Administrator account.

One option that you could try would be to try running the scheduled task using the Windows Task Scheduler via a batch file instead of using the Acronis Scheduler.



Acronis True Image Home Backup Archive File Is Corrupted Sd Card

echo off
set ATI='C:Program Files (x86)AcronisTrueImageHomeTrueImageHomeNotify.exe'
set task=2BF45C62-B17B-4816-B470-9825BDCDC572
%ATI% /script:%task%

See KB 47143: Acronis True Image: How to run backups from Command Line for more details on how to find the correct task identifier to use.

Another option would be to test the same backup task to an external USB drive instead of to your Synology NAS to see if the destination has any bearing on the error? Again, this shouldn't be so - I run regular backups to my own Synology NAS by schedule without issue!

Comments: 6

Thanks for the insights Steve!

ATI was installed by me under my admin level account on my Win10 PC. Also 'funny' is that I have three other (total of four) backup scheduled backup jobs that now run without issue. They are all of different folders on my Synology NAS and the backup files are stored on a 2nd (D:) internal HDD on the same Win10 PC.

I ready in one of the older ATI2015/16 posts that the same error message could be related to what ATI believes is an issue with the source HDD, but I have run a few different disk checks & tools and none report any errors on the drive.

I also run all my backup jobs on different days to help ensure there are no competing tasks that might clash with each other. Are there any additional logs or debug level commands that can be enabled in ATI to help provide more info?

Over the next few days I will try a series of tests (including your suggestion about using the Windows scheduler) to see if i can further ID the issue.

Comments: 6

### UPDATE ####

In checking things out I discovered occasional slow response from my Synology NAS. Checking this out, i found that the disk utilization was pegged at 100%. A few google searches later I found that others had issues with the Synology AV service running and causing high disk utilization & other performance issues. I even had to hard boot my NAS to regain access to the management interface but once in I removed the scheduled AV scans (not sure where those came from).

I re-setup all my ATI backup jobs and ran each manually to be sure they worked. I have also re-enabled the backup schedule and the first two jobs ran without issue. What appears to have been the issue is that the other NAS disk activity may have been occasionally higher when the backups were running over night. No one ever noticed any file access issues during the day so I never considered the issue might be the NAS.

Will update in a week or two as to how things are progressing.

Acronis true image free edition
Comments: 22989

Thanks for sharing the update about the AV scans on your Synology NAS - have been checking my own and checked the AV settings there!

Acronis Links : Acronis Scheduler Manager : Acronis VSS Doctor : Backup Archive Compatibility : Cleanup Tool (ATIH 2010-2021) : Cloning Disks : Contact Acronis Support : Difference between Backup and Disk Clone

Acronis True Image Home Backup Archive File Is Corrupted Hard Drive

MVP Assistant (Log Viewer) & MVP Custom PE Builder available from Community Tools page.
Acronis True Image User Guides available from Product Documentation page.
imTranslator for quick translation of language posts.

Note: Please do not expect any instant reply for private messages as I am often unable to access these due to forum timeout errors!

Products: Acronis True Image 9.0 - 11.0, 2009 - 2021 Disk Director 12.5 Acronis Revive
Comments: 6

Acronis True Image Cloud Backup

### UPDATE ####

Life has been much better since disabling Synology AV. Again, Not sure how or when that went sideways as its been months since I even touched Synology. I will add that in late OCT, i lost my primary WIN10 HD and had to try to recover from ATI backup. While the files were located on my Synology share, there were issues with the backup files and was not able to do a clean recovery. I had to re-install ATI2018 and re-add the backup jobs ..... and here we are today.

Acronis True Image Home Backup Archive File Is Corrupted File

Hopefully these insights help others as they run into issues.