Eyedropper In Excel


  1. Eyedropper In Excel 2016
  2. Excel Color Picker
  3. Eyedropper In Excel 2010
Excel color picker

Eyedropper In Excel 2016

Are you tired of trying to match precisely the colors of images and objects to other parts of our PowerPointPresentation, in order for all of them to match each other so we have a more professional Presentation? Well we don’t have to worry anymore, because this is where the Eyedropper tool comes in PowerPoint13.


In order to use the Eyedropper tool in order to match and apply to the selected shape or object so we can match the colors between them is to follow on the following ways described below:


Excel Color Picker

Color dropper in excel

Eyedropper In Excel 2010

The mouse pointer turns into an eyedropper tool As you move your pointer around onscreen, a live preview of the color you're pointing at appears. Hover or pause on a color to see its RGB (Red Green Blue) color coordinates. Using the eyedropper, click the color you want to match; it's immediately applied to the selected shape or object. This post isn’t for you. It’s for the other 75 percent of my readers whose jobs still supply them with PCs that are loaded with older versions of Excel. Download an Eyedropper. There are tons of eyedropper tools available online for free. Don’t pay for one. I’ve used www.instant-eyedropper.com for years and highly recommend it. Windows versions of PowerPoint (before 2013 preview) don't have an eyedropper to pick up RGB values. The eyedropper mentioned copies the fill line etc and can apply it to another shape but it doesn't easily tell you the RGB of the fill. There's are free tools which will do this though Pixie is the best known and works very well. Select the eyedropper, then click the color you’d like to match. To match a color found outside of PowerPoint, click and drag the eyedropper to anywhere on your screen, then release it over the color you want. Watch the video below to see how you can match colors with the eyedropper.