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Pengertian Preposition of Time

Preposition of time adalah preposition (kata depan bahasa Inggris) yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan waktu. Waktu itu ditampilkan dalam gabungan preposition dengan objek yang mengikutinya yang disebut object of preposition.

Pengertian Table Of Content

Table of Contents:

prepositional phrase = preposition + object of preposition

Table of Contents Proses Oksigenasi Kebutuhan oksigenasi merupakan kebutuhan dasar manusia yang di gunakan untuk kelangsungan metabolism sel tubuh mempertahankan hidup dan aktivitas berbagai organ atau sel. Table of Contents Konflik Menurut Para Ahli Robbins (1996) dalam “Organization Behavior” menjelaskan bahwa konflik adalah suatu proses interaksi yang terjadi akibat adanya ketidaksesuaian antara dua pendapat (sudut pandang) yang berpengaruh atas pihak-pihak yang terlibat baik pengaruh positif maupun pengaruh negatif.

Objek preposition of time seringnya berupa noun (kata benda) atau noun phrase. Adapun gabungan antara preposition dan objeknya disebut prepositional phrase.

Kalimat pada gambar di atas mengandung prepositional phrase “for a few months” dengan “for” sebagai preposition of time dan noun phrase “a few months” sebagai object of preposition.

Lihat juga:

Contoh Preposition of Time

  • after (sesudah: after lunch, after school, after leaving school)
  • at (jam: at 9 in the morning, at 09:00, at 9 o’clock
    hari, bagian hari: at midday, at noon, at night, at midnight
    hari libur dan raya: at the New Year, at the weekend; at the end (pada saat semua berakhir))
  • before (sebelum: before lunch, before yesterday, before the due date)
  • by (menjelang (pada/sebelum waktu): by the end of this month)
  • during (selama: during the trip, during the storm)
  • for (selama: for a week; untuk jam (tertentu): for 7 pm)
  • from (dimulai pada: from morning to night, from October to December)
  • in (waktu yang terentang lama (musim, tahun, bulan, dan abad): in (the) winter, in 2000, in July, in the seventeenth century; at some time during, at the time of: in the morning; dalam periode waktu mendatang: in 3 months; durasi (dalam, selama…): in two weeks; [phrase] in time (pada waktunya); [phrase] in the end ((pada) akhirnya))
  • of (sebelum: five minutes of nine o’clock)
  • off (to or at a particular distance away in time or space: several minutes off)
  • on (nama hari, tanggal, hari libur, dan hari raya: on Tuesday morning, on Tuesdays, on Juli 13, 2000, on the Lebaran day, on your wedding day; [phrase] on time (tepat waktu; tidak terlambat))
  • over (selama (periode): over holiday, over earth hour)
  • past (melebihi: half past six (6:30))
  • since (sejak: since yesterday, since last year)
  • till (sampai, hingga: till Wednesday morning, till tomorrow)
  • to (kurang: five to nine (8:55))
  • until (hingga; situasi yg berlangsung dan akan berakhir pada waktu tertentu di masa depan: until morning, until next year)

Contoh Kalimat Preposition of Time dan Artinya

1Do you feel sleepy after lunch?
(Apakah kamu merasa mengantuk setelah makan siang?)
2I have breakfast at 7 o’clock.
(Saya sarapan pada pukul 7.)
3I’m going to meet a friend during my layover.
(Saya akan menemui seorang teman selagi singgah)
4He was born in July.
(Dia dilahirkan di bulan Juli.)
5Via has been here since yesterday.
(Via sudah disini sejak kemarin.)
6It’s half past six.
(Pukul 6:30.)
7It’s a quarter to nine.
(Pukul 8:45.)

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Pengertian dari table of contents
  1. At, on and in (time). Accessed on February 22, 2019.
  2. Definition of before preposition from the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. Accessed on February 22, 2019.
  3. Definition of past preposition from the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. Accessed on February 22, 2019.
  4. Meaning of “to” in Essential American English Dictionary. Accessed on February 22, 2019.
  5. What is a Preposition? Accessed on April 3, 2014.
  6. Prepositions: Locators in Time and Place. Accessed on April 3, 2014.
  7. Prepositions of Time: at, in, on. Accessed on April 3, 2014.
  8. The Preposition. Accessed on April 3, 2014.

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